
Album / Akkord '1999

     Note. Akkord Cave located in Khakasia region, a few kilometers from Nankhchul station (Novokuznetsk-Abakan line). Depth 139m, total length 1315m. Difficulty degree: 2B (Soviet system).

     Before going undeground we decided to make a short hiking trip around Podnebesnie Zub'ya- picturesque twin peaks, which are one of Khakasia main tourist attractions. After doing that, we returned to the Luzhba station and took a train a little bit further to the Nankhchul Station. It may be the first cave visited by Diggers Father (K.Stoletov), however, if you read his memoirs, it appears that the first one was Pandora's Box. Anyway, nobody takes what that crazy bastard says seriously. His writings, and some memories about his drunk tales were the only topos we had. As a result we didn't accomplish everything we set out to do. Left beyond our reach was system "Teatralnaja" ("Theatre"), pitch "Gop-Stop" and "Rozary" ("Rose Garden") system. Other, smaller nearby cave – Zimnyaya (Winter Cave) was also visited during the same time.
     The whole underground part of the trip took us 4 days: 20.07-24.07.1999.

Scheme, plan and profile (70kB gif)
